YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Thu Jun 25 2015
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Crane Artist Lofts
Des Moines, IA
Party Ride
Distance - 2 miles
Get on the road with us this Thursday! We'll meet in front on Walnut St by Exile Brewery and the Crane Artist Lofts and start riding towards Madhouse Brewing Company at 6pm. After Madhouse, we'll hop on the bike trail and head over to Jasper Winery for a concert on the lawn with the Maytags!
We're very lucky here in Des Moines to have so many beautiful bike trails and a vibrant bike culture. However, we still rank as one of the least bike-friendly cities. We can change that! We believe the best way to help Des Moines become a more bike-friendly city is to get more bikes on our roads. We hope our rides on the city streets will help educate bicyclists on how to ride safely on the roads and, more importantly, get drivers more used to sharing our roads with bikes. Let's get out there, reclaim our streets and help Des Moines become a more bike and pedestrian friendly city!

Crane Artist Lofts
1440 Walnut St
Des Moines, IA 50309 MAP