
  • Posted Jan 6, 2013

The Original Winter Ride is back for it's 36th year! Saturday, Feb 2nd 2013 is the date. Register online today. Be There.

Perry Area Chamber of Commerce Hosts 36th Annual BRR- Bike Ride to Rippey


The Perry Area Chamber of Commerce hosts the 36th Annual BRR - Bike Ride to Rippey - Saturday, February 2, 2013. This annual 24-mile round trip bike ride from Perry to Rippey and back, rolls on regardless of the weather.

Known as the "Original WINTER Bike Ride", BRR riders have experienced frigid temperatures and wind chills while plowing through a foot of snow and have also enjoyed spring like temperatures of 60 degrees! Attendance has grown every year with riders and guests attending from all over Iowa and the country.

Hosted by the Perry Area Chamber of Commerce, BRR is a frozen-filled day of biking, prizes and entertainment.

This year’s theme- Groundhog Day Edition was captured brilliantly by avid bicyclist, BRR veteran of 27 years and award winning cartoonist Brian Duffy. The theme is used in promotional materials and on merchandise.

BRR registration, the official start, and other morning activities all take place in beautiful downtown Perry, IA.


Please Register - All participants are encouraged to register for the chamber’s annual BRR event. This event sets the tone for our area Chamber of Commerce events & activities throughout the remainder of 2013. So we thank those individuals that respect the ride and our efforts to provide the best BRR ride as well as future events

We have included a $15 "I support the ride" registration too for those who still want to support the ride, but don't need the mechandise, etc. Plus pre-registered riders are the only ones entered in a drawing to win $500 in Perry Bucks.

Day of registration will be $5 more.


last updated Jan 30th 11:18pm
  • Perry Fire Dept will be serving grilled food at TownCraft Center (right next door to the Hotel)
  • Craft Beer Tent will be there with Iowa Beers
  • Rockin Horse will have the Mud Puppies Saturday night along with drink specials.
  • The Crooked Rail (formally Lisa's) - Friday night is are having the band Brother Trucker at 9 pm. Saturday they will have a tent with food beer and a dj all day. 1/2 gallon beer jugs will be back again.
  • The Otley Cat (Formerly Hiawatha Station or the Bally Hoo) is opening at 8am - stop in for the best bloody marys! Also, if you'd like, for $6 you get a breakfast burrito and all day taco bar (eat cheap before and after your ride!), on the hour shot specials and entrance to Fat Tuesday and the Greasefire Keys show that night."
  • Taqueria Villa will be selling tacos at 2nd and Willis Avenue.
  • The Rippey Tent Party is a GO!
  • This year’s new addition to BRR is a natural for a party ride — an expansion of beer offerings. The Iowa Craft Beer Tent, known to many who attend the Iowa State Fair, will bring its new mobile truck with 48 18-24 taps flowing Iowa beers.
  • A new bike Shop in Perry will have a soft opening the day of BRR. The Raccoon River Valley Bicycle Company will be located on one of the Hotel Pattee. more to come on this.



  • 7 - 10:30 a.m. - Breakfast Lions Club (Open to Public) HOTEL PATTEE
  • 8 - 12:00 p.m. - Registration and pickup of materials for pre registered riders - Hotel Pattee (1112 Willis Avenue)
  • 10 a.m. - Ride kickoff by Chuck Scheib's cannon 2nd & Willis
  • All Day - Party - All retail stores, restaurants, and bars will be open throughout the day.
  • Raccoon River Bike Shop will be having their grand opening on Feb. 2nd. RRB is located next door to the Hotel Pattee.


  • East Greene Youth Fellowship will host a baked potato bar at the church. Proceeds benefit their annual mission trips.
  • Lion's Club will serve Roast Beef Sundaes at the former Masonic Building in the community Room at 3rd St. and Main Street.
  • Rippey Fire Department will host a beer tent.

Public safety officials have requested riders depart from Rippey no later than 3pm to ensure a safe return to Perry before sunset.

BRR 2013 Official Registration

NOTE: Please use ONE form per rider. If you are registering someone else, the participant MUST sign a waiver the day of the event.

Participants Waiver of Liability Perry's Bike Ride to Rippey

By filling out the registration below, you agree, warrant and covenant as follows:

It is agreed that with respect to the event known as Perry's BRR - Bike Ride to Rippey, each participant shall WAIVE all rights of recovery for BODILY INJURY and hold harmless the City of Perry, Iowa, Boone County, Green County and Dallas County, City of Rippey,, the Perry Area Chamber of Commerce and any of its representatives from ALL LIABILITY arising from participation in any related events and or activities. The participant further acknowledges that Insurance DOES NOT apply to BODILY INJURY to any person while practicing for or participating in any contest or exhibition of an athletic or sports nature sponsored by the City of Perry or Perry Area Chamber of Commerce, nor to immediate medical or surgical relief to any person so injured.

Once you have chosen all your items, click the Google Checkout for a fast and secure check out process.

SORRY, online registration has closed. You can still register on Saturday at the ride. See you there!




To all those who worked at the BRR Ride 2013 as well as behind the scenes, I love the BRR ride. This was my first BRR ride and I am so glad I did it. I listened to advice from my friends about covering all exposed skin. I am sure glad I listened.

The Hotel Patee is awesome.

The lunch at the Methodist Church in Rippey was worth the ride! I must many nice people. Thanks to all and I will most definitely be back for BRR 2014. I just hope the weather is not with -20 windchill and snow drifts bigger than me. But it is, I will be there anyway!

#4 - PedalPirateGirl posted Feb 3, 2013

I'm thinking for next year!

#3 - solsen300 posted Jan 31, 2013

Sorry Cross Country - Google Checkout is a snap to to use. The Perry Chamber wants you to use one registration per entry thus the one t-shirt size offering.

#2 - ss posted Jan 8, 2013

There is not an option to pay by cc or paypal without using Google. No interest in using Google. If I include both registrations by selecting 2 instead of 1, there is no option for different t-shirt sizes, leaving the need to register twice.

Hate to send paper, but we will be coming and not using Google for payments.

#1 - CrossCountry posted Jan 8, 2013

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