Hy-Vee Triathlon - my take
Posted Jun 17, 2007
- 10,940
BIKEIOWA's post-guide to the Hy-Vee Triathlon. 300+ photos and a few pondering words will have ya wishing you would have been there!
Over 350 Hy-Vee Triathlon photos have been posted.
The Juniors Race, Iowa Outdoor Wellness Adventure (I.O.W.A.) , Amateur Race and the Elite race make up the gallery.
We dedicated this weekend to spending time downtown either volunteering with the Valet bicycle parking, checking out the expo or cruising through town waiting for the Sunday races.
Here is my take on the weekend:
I've got a whole new-found respect for quite a few friends who participated in the Hy-Vee Triathlon this past weekend. More on that below.
This was a race where your average Joe/Jane could participate in where world class athletes would later race almost the same course only few hours later.
I don't think the public realized just how big of an event this race was! The biggest purse of any triathlon in the world was offered. $700,000 overall and $200,000 each to the male and females winners. Of course they get a free Hummer too.
All in all, what a great event for Des Moines! Next year will be an Olympic qualifier so look out 2008!
It was a great weekend to spend downtown. I enjoyed all the roads being closed down where the bicycle could roam freely. It was cool to see all the pedestrian and bicycle traffic all over the place. It was almost surreal reality of what Des Moines could be like when they get designated as a Bicycle Friendly Community.
Bottoms Up.
See the photo gallery for all the action.
Full results here: http://www.hy-veetriathlon.com/