
  • Thu August 20 2020
  • Posted Aug 27, 2020

Decorah Parks and Recreation staff members are busy re-establishing a trail linking Dug Road to Phelps Park.

The rock steps approaching the first bridge as you head west on the trail from Phelps Park have been repaired. According to the Decorah Parks and Rec office, the trail has remained open other than some instances due to safety concerns.

Funding is made possible as part of the Iowa Great Places Grant.

The original trail was developed back in the 1930s, but had been abandoned for decades.

Stone mason John Klosterboer is marking the entrance to that trail with stone pillars.

This project is part of the Iowa Great Places Grant and work is expected to wrap up early fall 2020.

In addition to the trail work, large ash trees were recently removed due to the emerald ash borer disease.







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