
The City of Bellevue soon will launch a community bike rental program, with plans to expand the initiative as funding and resources permit.

City Council members this week heard an update on the program, which likely will begin operations in the next few weeks.

City Administrator Abbey Skrivseth said after the meeting that, for several years, the city has hoped to offer bike rentals. Funding from the Dream Bellevue Endowment Fund recently made the idea possible.

“We have had people ask about (a bike rental program), as they’re very popular in bigger cities,” she said. “With our increase in campgrounds in the area, (where) not everyone always brings their bikes, this will help spur some of that foot traffic.”

The city will offer six bikes at a rack outside the newly renovated Button Factory building, located at 305 S. Riverview St. Residents or visitors who wish to use the bikes will download a smartphone app, enter credit card information for payment and scan a QR code on the bike to unlock it.

Rental fees for the bikes will begin at $1 for the first 30 minutes,





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