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 News Local cyclists clear the woods of derecho damage so they can ride the trails 28301/26/2021Mountain Bikederecho, Linn Area Mountain Bike Association (LAMBA), Trail Maintenance, VolunteerSac and Fox TrailCedar Rapids...X
 News Mount Trashmore trails to open for two days due to warm weather 21481/1/2021Destination, TrailsderechoMount TrashmoreCedar Rapids...X
 News Marshall County Conservation Board to meet via Zoom - 12/14/20 24571/1/2021Trailsderecho, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Trail Clean UpHeart of Iowa Nature Trail ...X
 Events Zwift for the Iowa Derecho 419212/8/2020Charity, Culture, Education, Race, Road (Competitive), Training/Fitnessderecho, Fundraiser, Weather, Zwift  ...X
 News Cedar Rapids: Section of Cedar Valley Nature Trail reopened 290610/21/2020Trailsderecho, Trail MaintenanceCedar Valley Nature TrailCedar Rapids...X
 News Linn County Conservation gives update on parks and trails following derecho 248110/1/2020TrailsderechoCedar Valley Nature Trail, Grant Wood Recreation Trail, Hoover Nature TrailCedar Rapids...X
 News As Iowa trails become more crowded, follow these rules and etiquette tips 322010/1/2020Trailscovid 19, derecho, Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF), Trail Etiquette  ...X
 News The bike ride of the century on an Iowa trail with friends 36089/11/2020Tourism, TrailsBicycle Tourism, covid 19, derecho, Hotel Pattee, Iowa Tourism, Michael’s Cyclery, Public Art, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association Adel, Jamaica, Linden, Panora, Perry...X
 News New video shows damage at Linn County parks, some remain closed 25519/9/2020Trailsderecho, Trail ClosureCedar Valley Nature TrailCedar Rapids...X
 News Cedar Rapids: A lake with a bird-watching view 30038/30/2020Trailsderecho, The Sag WagonCedar Lake TrailCedar Rapids...X
 News Greene County Supervisors - Trail Update 27798/28/2020Trailsderecho, Green County Conservation, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT)Raccoon River Valley Trail ...X
 News Solon bicyclist killed by falling tree during Monday's storm 40338/27/2020Trailsderecho, Fatality, Killed, Ride of Silence Ely, Solon...X
 News Several Linn County parks closed until further notice for storm cleanup 25298/27/2020TrailsderechoCedar Valley Nature Trail, Grant Wood Recreation Trail, Hoover Nature Trail ...X
 News Guthrie County Conservation staff clean up trail, parks 30018/27/2020Trailsderecho, Raccoon River Valley Trail (RRVT), Raccoon River Valley Trail Association, Trail Clean Up, Trail MaintenanceRaccoon River Valley Trail ...X
 Features Tour de Recho - Disaster Relief and Virtual Ride 35988/21/2020Charity, Culturederecho, Donation, Fenders Brewing, FundraiserHigh Trestle Trail, Neal Smith TrailPolk City...X
 Events Tour de Recho - Virtual 40858/21/2020Charity, Culturederecho, Donation, Fenders Brewing, FundraiserHigh Trestle Trail, Neal Smith TrailPolk City...X
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