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 News Dubuque child cyclist possibly injured in collision with car 24712/24/2024RoadChildren, Injury, Ride of Silence Dubuque...X
 News Des Moines Bicycle Accident on 42nd St 28912/24/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Osceola car bike collision - Oct 25th 28012/24/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Osceola...X
 News Juvenile hurt after e-bike, car crash in rural Johnson County Tuesday morning 38311/20/2024RoadElectric Bicycles (E-Bike), Injury, Ride of Silence Kalona...X
 News Des Moines Cyclist and Car Crash with Injury at SW 9th St 39411/20/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Dubuque middle school student hit by car while riding bike 47811/20/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence, Safe Routes to School Dubuque...X
 News Injuries reported in afternoon crash between car and bicycle in Des Moines 14511/20/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Bicycle Injury at E 14th St & E Euclid Ave in Des Moines 38111/20/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Des Moines cyclist hit by car, taken to hospital with serious injury 93910/24/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Injuries reported in afternoon crash between car and bicycle in Des Moines 120310/24/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Fairfield girl recovering quickly after being run over 49310/18/2024RoadChildren, crosswalk, Injury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Fairfield...X
 News Des Moines Bicycle Accident at 56th St and Grand Ave 63910/18/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Woman Receives Life-Threatening Injuries After Being Struck by a Vehicle While Riding a Bike 8289/30/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Spencer...X
 News Atlantic Boy Injured in Bicycle Accident 6019/30/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Atlantic...X
 News Cyclist injured downtown Des Moines - driver remained at the scene 10589/30/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Henry County Sheriff’s Office seek information about bicycle crash near New London 11389/30/2024RoadHit and Run, Injury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Ride of Silence New London...X
 News Bicyclist seriously injured in Iowa City collision 18669/19/2024RoadInjury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Iowa City Bike LIbrary, Ride of Silence Iowa City...X
 News Council Bluffs cyclist collision at McDermott Ave 9269/4/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Council Bluffs...X
 News Injuries Reported in Van-Bicycle Accident in Council Bluffs 11399/4/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Council Bluffs...X
 News Bicyclist injured in Waterloo crash 6348/27/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Waterloo...X
 News Cedar Falls Police Make Arrest Connected to Cedar Falls Bike Accident 14018/27/2024RoadArrest, Injury, Ride of Silence Cedar Falls...X
 Events RIDE OF SILENCE - Des Moines 12968/19/2024Advocacy, Culture, Education, RoadBicycle Safety, Injury, Iowa Bicycle Coalition (IBC), Killed, Ride of Silence Des Moines...X
 News Council Bluffs Juvenile Injured in Bicycle Accident on Menards Dr 9878/15/2024RoadInjury, Ride of Silence Council Bluffs...X
 News Armed bicyclist killed in Waterloo shooting that wounded 2 police officers 18077/3/2024Culture, RoadInjury, Killed, Police Waterloo...X
 News Driver accused of hitting 5-year-old cyclist faces additional charges 15087/2/2024RoadChildren, Injury, Ride of Silence Ruthven...X
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